Wandering Star

Just a person with a few hobbies. Not much else, really.


She/Her, They/Them only, please.I don't mind NSFW, as long as it isn't anything weird. With that being said, I might sometimes retweet not-so-explicit images. It'll be rare though, I like to keep my medias mostly clean.I swear. How much? Depends on how close we are.If you're my mutual, I would like us to be at least friendly with one another. If you don't want to be friends, that's fine(though i would like it very much.)


Obv Stuff (Anti, pedophilia, making fun of victims of abuse, homophobes, etc. etc.)
Politic-centric (Just no.)
If you make hating children your whole personality.

(not a comprehensive list)

Anything Yoko Taro Related
Project Moon
Reverse 1999
Ar Tonelico/Surge Concerto
Hoyoverse (Genshin and Star Rail only)
Others (ask if you want to know!)

Favorite Characters?

I have many. If I tried to list them all, we'd be here forever.